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Hey there! Just wanted to give you a heads up about our upcoming Church Work Day this Saturday at 9 am. We've got a bunch of tasks on our list that we could really use your help with. First up, we need to remove a dilapidated chain link fence and old fence pile on the...
Brotherhood is a monthly meeting where men gather to study God’s Word, share great testimony, and eat good food. The meetings are held the third Monday of each month at 7:00pm. All men are invited to attend. We will meet in the fellowship hall at Glencoe Baptist Church and will have a meal, a time...
Join us for Game Night! We'll be playing some of our favorite games, sharing laughs, and strengthening our connections with one another. Game Night is an excellent chance for our church community to come together and have fun while building relationships. Whether you're a regular attendee or new to the church, Game Night provides a...